The Effect of Poor Lighting on Mental Health in the Workplace
The Effect of Poor Lighting on Mental Health in the Workplace
As we talk more and more openly about mental health in the workplace and creating healthier and happier spaces for employees, lighting and working conditions is often overlooked in favour of more tangible ‘things’ that can be gifted to employees to make them happy.
In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, he outlines a theory about how humans are motivated as consumers. This theory can also be applied to employees in regard to how they are motivated in the workplace.

It states that physiological needs, our very basic needs of air, water, food, shelter, clothing etc must be first met before we can move up through the hierarchy, with our desire to be the most we can be firmly sitting at the top.
Workplace lighting is one such physiological workplace need, along with warmth, cleanliness, space, equipment, tools and other such basic environmental needs. If any of those are missing, the impact on employee motivation and productivity is huge.
As we find ourselves in some of the shortest days of the year, workplace lighting becomes even more vital. Ill health effects such as eye strain, headaches, fatigue, stress and anxiety can become an issue if we spend too much time in artificial lighting.
So what can you do about it?
Survey your people
Speak to your employees about their workplace environment, what issues do they have? Only then might you be able to take steps to improve it.
Invest in good lighting
Evidence suggests that a lack of natural sunlight has an adverse effect on the body and the mind, we’ve all heard of the ‘SAD’ – seasonal affective disorder – which is rife in wintertime.
Conversely therefore, having more access to sunlight or natural daylight should have a positive effect on the body and mind.
The range of lighting on the market today is so vast but an investment in daylight equivalent LEDs, such as the ones made by Junair, could have great health benefits for your employees. Not only that, but the cost savings will also be substantial enough to make it a logical business choice.
Smart lighting
Developments in technology have led us into the realms of smart lighting. Where it is possible for employees to have control over their lighting depending on the task. For example, setting a colder tone with high illuminance in the mornings for maximum productivity and then softening in the afternoon.
Any investment made into the employee workspace leaves with them a sense that the business cares about their wellbeing. That in itself will have a huge positive effect on their happiness and their productivity. Who wouldn’t want that!?
Junair is the UK’s leading provider of industrial spray booths and complimentary technology. To find out how we can help you, or for more information on any of our products, call our team today on 01706 363555.
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