Introducing the New Multi-Booth Spraybooth Solution from Junair

The Junair Multi-booth is a totally new spraybooth concept that has been designed and developed to offer a flexible solution for those undertaking small to medium repairs in a clean, controlled and compliant environment.
An Innovative Spraybooth Solution
Grahame Kitchin, Sales Director at Junair Spraybooth comments:
“This innovative solution has been developed with productivity in mind. With the Multi-Booth you can prepare, spray and fully bake a vehicle in the same cabin, eliminating vehicle movements within the workshop. Each cabin has been designed as a combination preparation bay and full low-bake spraybooth, simply moving the sliding door to the required cabin to convert it into a fully operational spraybooth. Each cabin includes a full range of services to optimise efficiency. ”
The Multi-Booth is built using a steel, double skin, insulated construction which meets all HSE regulations and the required 30 minute fire evacuation time. Only one air handling unit is required which automatically activates the spray mode and adjusts the dampers to direct the heated, filtered airflow into the appropriate cabin once the sliding door has been locked in place. In spray mode the cabin operates exactly as a conventional spraybooth, heated air enters through a fully filtered input plenum and excellent overspray mist clearance is achieved through the rear filter chest. In bake mode, 90% of the airflow is recirculated to deliver a full 80oc curing temperature rapidly and evenly.
The Multi-Booth incorporates an easy glide sliding door which can be moved by a single operative. Automatic interlocks on the door provides a safe, fully sealed and fully filtered environment. At the rear of the cabins optional cupboards can also be fitted to store the materials and equipment required to prepare a vehicle. Mechanical and electrical services can also be integrated into the cabin including compressed air, dust extraction and electrical sockets, all with appropriate safety interlocks.
Junair’s spraybooth lighting provides excellent visibility within the cabins and the Multi-Booth solution also provides a cleaner workshop environment as paint overspray is always contained.
Grahame adds: “The solution provides a whole new approach when it comes to completing small to medium repairs. We have taken the time to understand the bottlenecks and frustrations that repairers encounter and using this information we have been able to develop a spraybooth solution that addresses these issues.”
For more information please contact Junair Spraybooths
If you would like more information regarding the Multi-Booth spraybooth or you would like a FREE no obligation quotation, then please contact a member of our friendly team on +44 (0)1706 363555 and we would be more than happy to discuss your spraybooth equipment requirements in more detail.
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