Introducing a New Approach to Rapid Repairs

The Junair MultiBooth has been designed and developed in house as a result of acting on industry feedback. In this day and age customers want the quality Junair Spraybooths are renowned for, combined with the need for ever decreasing key to key times, all at a cost-effective price. With this in mind Junair has designed and commissioned a fully functional spray booth oven with multiple cabins, eliminating the need for vehicle movement.
Addressing Issues with the Multibooth Solution
Grahame Kitchin, Sales Director at Junair Spraybooths comments; “This innovative solution provides a whole new approach to rapid repairs. We have taken the time to understand the bottlenecks and frustrations that repairers encounter and using this information we have been able to develop a spraybooth solution that addresses these issues.”
The Junair MultiBooth comes with an option of 2, 3 or 4 cabins, all of which can be used to prepare, spray and bake the vehicle in situ. Once the vehicle is prepared the easy glide sliding door is slid into place, activating the unique interlocking mechanism, safely transforming the preparation area into a fully operational low bake spray booth oven. The necessity for just one air handling unit for several booths means that the MultiBooth is a cost effective solution to an industry wide problem.
Each cabin is robustly built using a steel, double skinned, insulated construction which meets HSE regulations including the essential 30 minute fire resistance.

Enhancing Efficiency with Optional Extras
Junair Spraybooth optional extras such as the patented QAD’s or LED lighting system, can be fitted to the MultiBooth further enhancing the energy efficiency, quality and ease of use of the spray booth oven.
The experienced team at Junair can project manage the entire installation, providing a stress free turnkey solution with minimal disruption to the existing operation.
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