Commercial Vehicle Spraybooth Installation for Hitachi Rail
Junair Spraybooths has recently installed a 9 series commercial vehicle spray booth oven for Hitachi Rail, an internationally renowned supplier of trains. Hitachi Rail supplies rolling stock including metro, commuter, intercity and high-speed trains. The recent installation comprised of a 31 meter 9 series spraybooth oven large enough to accommodate the latest Hitachi rail vehicles. 
An iSystem touch control pre-programmed with bake cycles was fitted to operate the spray booth. Hitachi Rail can now be confident of ensuring paint jobs are not over or under cured as operators can select from a list of coatings used and the most efficient cure profile is automatically executed. The iSystem also balances the air pressure within the cabin ensuring adherence with COSHH regulations.
Spraybooth Installation with Pneumatic Alfa-Lifts
Two Junair pneumatically powered Alfa-Lifts were fitted inside the spray booth for access to all areas of the trains painted surfaces. The Alfalifts’ easy-to-use controls are located inside the cage, comprising of three levers allowing the operator to manoeuvre the platform on all 3 axis for maximum accessibility. The Alfalift platform ensures the ideal working position. Less physical strain to the operative ensures productivity levels are maintained.
As always, the safety of the operators is paramount; the Alfa lift complies with Health and Safety regulations for both lifting platforms and spray booths. Powered using only compressed air the Alfa-Lift is ideal for use in explosion and fire risk areas such as spray booth ovens.
Energy Efficiency
Hitachi Rail’s 9 series spray booth has 32 Junair patented QADs auxiliary air movement towers. QADs is an advanced air movement system designed to dramatically improve drying times by agitating air within the booth on flash off and cure cycles.
Automatic variable speed drives have been fitted to adjust the airflow to suit the process cycle being undertaken in the booth. The full air flow rate is only required for spraying, all other activities can be carried out with reduced airflow significantly decreasing running costs. 
Fuel saver mode provides full fresh air intake for paint application and automatically switches to recirculation mode when in other modes such as idle, loading, preparation, flash off and bake. This in turn dramatically reduces air-heating costs.
High, mid and low level LED lighting within the booth provides excellent, natural light, visibility as well as a fantastic energy saving compared to standard booth lighting.
Additional Equipment
In addition to the 9 series spray booth a bespoke paint mix room and ventilated mixing bench was also supplied.
Jason Douglas, Sales Director at Junair Spraybooths commented: “When I first visited the Hitachi Rail Vehicle Manufacturing Facility it was immediately apparent that a 9 series spray booth was required. As you can imagine the running costs of such a large booth are significant so ensuring that the booth is as energy efficient as possible was front of mind when we submitted the initial design.”
For more information on the Junair Spraybooths and ancillary equipment email or call our experienced team on 01706 363555.
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